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est. 2011
Having Fun and Helping Kids...!!!

Donations To Our Transportation Fund
We depend on every donation to help our Emirat Kids through our Transportation Fund.
Donations can be made on the following account:
Emirat Shrine Center e.V.
Postfach 10 20 04
69010 Heidelberg
DE24 6601 0075 0447690755
Our European Shrine Center is recognised in Germany as non-profit organisation. So if you live in Germany all donations to our Transportation Fund are tax-deductible.
For further informations or questions please contact our Recorder.
$100 Million Dollar Club
The $100 Million Dollar Club started by Noble C. Victor Thornton of Moslah Shriners in 1971 with the goal of adding one hundred million dollars to the Hospital Endowment Fund.
Today we are past the halfway mark to our Goal and need to push forward.
Our European Shrine Center Emirat have always led the way with regard to our hospital needs.
Becoming a member of the 100 Million Dollar Club is easy.
Just make a 100.- Euro donation.
The 100.- Euro donation will be forwarded in your name and you will receive a beautiful certificate attesting your membership.
There are no restrictions for membership! Everyone can become a Member of the $100 Million Dollar Club:
A Shriner, his wife, friends, company, other club`s and organisations...!
For further informations please contact our Recorder.
Permanent Contributing Membership
A Contribution That Lasts a Lifetime
Universities, service clubs and associations all promote lifetime memberships.
But did you know that Shriners also have a chance to be "life members" of their philanthropy, Shriners Hospitals for Children®?
Shriners can demonstrate their life-long commitment to their hospitals by joining the Permanent Contributing Membership program.
Donations made through the program add to a special endowment fund, which directly supports the health care system.
This means your gift will serve for generations to come because only the income from the gift will be spent annually to support our mission.
How to Join
To join the program, simply contact your Temple Recorder and make a one-time gift of Euro 150.- to Shriners Hospitals for Children®.
Upon becoming a member, you will receive a certificate suitable for framing and your dues card will bear a special seal indicating you are a Permanent Contributing Member. Your membership will also fulfill your annual hospital assessment for life.
You will also receive a "Crutch" pin. The only pin which is allowed to wear on your Fez!

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