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News 2021

13 February
Annual Meeting
With the announcement of the German government of the extension of the Covid-19 restrictions already in place we found it necessary to move the Annual Meeting of Emirat Shrine Center to the Zoom Video Conferencing Platform.

We have tried to get Shriners International to grant us a special dispensation to allow Emirat Shrine to conduct the Emirat Shrine Annual Meeting with elections via Zoom. They have not approved the special dispensation as Shriners International and Temple Bylaws require paper ballots.

The only solution was that Emirat Shrine will conduct their Annual Meeting via Zoom so we could approve our budget and the rest of the annual reports that need to be approved. We will conduct the elections at sometime in the future when the restrictions are reduced and we can conduct face to face meetings again.

We are all disappointed that we could not meet face to face and enjoy fun and fellowship of each other, but hopefully brighter days are ahead of us and we can enjoy each other’s company soon. The safety of all of the Nobles, Ladies and Families far outweigh us having a face to face meeting and running the risk of getting infected.

08 May
Spring Ceremonial 2021


It`s so sad but we must again cancel our Emirat Shrine Spring Ceremonial due to the current Covid-19 restrictions.


We will continue to plan for a ceremonial, hoping that we can have one in the coming months.

04 July - 08 July
147th Imperial Session


Our Potentate Ill. Sir Ward Williamson presented a donation of $ 10`000 to Shriners Hopsitals for Children at the 147th Imperial Session of Shriners International in Houston, Texas. What a proud moment for Emirat Shrine!


10 July
Emirat Special Ceremonial, Rome, Italy


Just back from Houston, Texas, our Ill. Sir Ward Williamson created 20 new Nobles for Emirat Shrine in Rome, Italy. It was also the founding event for our newest Shrine Club the "Emirat Shrine Roma", our second Shrine Club in Italy.


Well done dear Nobles...!


31 July
Emirat Special Ceremonial, Catania, Sicily, Italy


What a great event!!


Our Potentate Ill. Sir Ward Williamson together with our Recorder & Past Potentate Ill. Sir Paul Curran created a lot of new Nobles for Emirat Shrine in Catania, Sicily, Italy. It was also the founding event for our newest Shrine Club the "Sicily Shrine Club", which is now our third Shrine Club in Italy.


12 September
Annual Stated Meeting &

Election of 2021 Officers, Wiesbaden, Germany

After a long period of no face-to-face meetings, we had our elections today.


Congratulations to the new elected Divan 2021 of Emirat Shriners:


Potenate: Ioannis Kardassopoulos

Chief Rabban: Frank Ullmann

Assistant Rabban: Volker Deussen

High Priest & Prophet: Anthony Ward

Oriental Guide: Sven Bremer (not in the picture)

Recorder: Paul Curran, PP

Treasurer: Tarek Eker (not in the picture)

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12 October
Turkey Fest Parade, Cuero, TX, USA


Great Ambassador for Emirat Shriners...!


Our Noble Dan Dittrich and his Lady Elaine prior to the start of the Cuero, Texas, Turkey Fest Parade. The Victoria Shrine Club’s “Fire Patrol” earned a 1st Place Ribbon.




13 November
Emirat Fall Ceremonial 2021, St. Leon-Rot, Germany


What a great weekend...!


This was the first Emirat Shrine Ceremonial conducted since November of 2019. The Ceremonial was conducted safely and without a single case of COVID-19. Testing was done on 100 percent of the people that attended, with all tests negative.


During the Friday night meet and greet over 60 people attended. There was great fun and fellowship had by all.  


We had over 93 Nobles, Ladies and Children that attended the Potentates Ball.


And: We had the opportunity to create 27 new Noble of the Shrine for our Emirat Shrine Center...!

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04 December
Emirat Special Ceremonial, Rome, Italy


Today we created 11 New Nobles of the Shrine during a Special Ceremonial in Rome, Italy.

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