est. 2011
Having Fun and Helping Kids...!!!

News 2020
11 January 2020
Today during the annual meeting of the Emirat Shrine Center in Heidelberg Germany our new Divan for 2020 was elected.
We wish the new Divan all the best and a successful 2020.
Potentate: Ill. Sir Ward Williamson
Chief Rabban: Noble Yannis Kardassopoulos
Assistant Rabban: Noble Luis Baez-Delgado
High Priest & Prophet: Noble Frank Ullmann
Oriental Guide: Noble Volker Deussen
Recorder: Ill. Sir Paul Curran, PP
Treasurer: Ill. Sir Clifford Leach, PP

31 January 2020
Our Emirat Noble Daniel G. Tanwangco who lives in the Philippines is representing our European Shrine Center during the Imperial Sir Jeff Sowder`s visit to Mabuhay Shriners in the Philippines.
Also pictured is Imperial Sir Kenny Cravens, Imperial High Priest & Prophet.

06 February 2020
For the first time in the history Emirat Shriner's we received the Gold Award for Membership for the second consecutive year.
This is Shriners International's way to recognize Shrine Centers that have gone above and beyond creating Shriner's and maintaining the Shriner's they have in their Shrine Centers.
To obtain this award it takes a lot of hard work of each and every Noble in Emirat Shriner's not only to seek out Novices but to get the current members in Emirat to pay their dues.
At the end of the day we have done that as evident by the Gold Award we received.
But we cannot stop now as a new year has just begun and we have to work on getting new novices and keeping the Nobles that we have so we can win it for the third year in a row.
The whole Divan would like to say, Job well done!

03 March 2020
The Emirat Shriners Recorder and Past Potentate Ill. Sir Paul Curran and Imperial Potentate Jeff Sowder at the Recorders Seminar in Austin, TX, USA.
Ill Sir Paul holding his pin when he was Grand Master of the American Canadian Grand Lodge of Germany (ACGL). The motto was "Just One"!
The Imperial Potentates motto 2019/2020 is "Just One", too!

07 March 2020
Our 2020 Oriental Guide Noble Volker Deussen with Imperial Sir Ed Stolze during the Oriental Guide Seminar in Tampa, Florida.

23 March 2020
Dear Nobles and Novices
It is with a great deal of disappointment that we have to send you this letter canceling the Emirat Shrine Europe May Ceremonial in St Leon Rot, Germany on 29 May through 31 May 2020.
We all know what is happening around the world concerning the Corona Virus (COVID-19) and the steps being taken to combat it. Throughout this period of national and international emergency the well-being and safety of our members has been paramount. With the ever growing unpredictability of Corona Virus (COVID-19) and the restrictions placed by the government we feel this is the best course of action to take at this time.
30 May 2020
Because our Spring Ceremonial 2020 was cancelled due to the Covid 19 virus, we decided to have a online Stated Meeting today.
We had a great and successfull business meeting with almost 100 Nobles who participate.

13 July 2020
Congratulations to our new Imperial Potentate, Imperial Sir Jim Smith and First Lady Alice Smith!
Imperial Sir Jim Smith was installed today during the Special Session in Tampa, Florida.
We wish you and Lady Alice much success in your Imperial Year!!

07 November 2020
And again: Our Fall Ceremonial 2020 was cancelled due to the Covid 19 virus.
But of course we decided to have a online Stated Meeting today.

19 December 2020
Christmas Grretings 2020 from the Divan of Emirat Shrine Center: